Hi, it's me again,
but now I'm talking straight to you, thing I haven't done before,
for all you millions of people who follow my blog.
what I've been doing?
I've been thinking alot about, my life, and how it going to be in the next 5 years,
and what I supposed to be doing and who I'd be with, this kind of things, but,
while I'm writing that, I realized a 5 years ago, I wasn't really worried what I'm be doing now,
and Now, I'm doing something, it is not what I was thinking, but, it's not a bad thing,
not a big deal too
no brain anymore
quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
when you like someone,
you don't care if this person has or not money,
you just want this person's attention,
when you like someone,
you think you are completed, and you actually are,
because find your sour mate can last more than a life,
and you should never give up!
when you like someone you feel happy for just wake up in the morning,
and simply have a amazing day, with or without interesting things to do,
when you like someone is just wonderful because you will always improve your inside,
end this is evolution... as long as you are already perfect!
dedicated to Kelsey Simpson
segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011
One day a Brazilian singer and composer wrote a song about something like this
That when we change, the world changes with us,
We change the world in changing the mind,
When we change we ''walk forward'', and when we tell off, no one tells off on us,
The change of attitude not bad that there is no cure even a disease without a cure,
The change of attitude, we become more secure, in changing the present, we shape the future,
How long are you going to take a beating?
How long will you do nothing?
How long will you stay as a punching bag?
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
too easy
Show IPA
One of the main verb, we decide things all the time, you decide that your body needs water than you decide go and drink some water,
You decide its time to go into the bed,
You decide that the life is too short to having troubles and you must to stop and start again,
You decide that people and money comes and goes and you need take the best part of everything and learn with mistakes,
You decide you need someone,
You decide that person makes you happy than you'll do everything to give back,
You decide that you have to accept you are human and you have goods and bad moments, and it doesnt mean you arent happy,
You decide that what you worked hard to gain is better than something for free,
You decide that having someone to share doesnt mean working twice but gain twice,
You dicide that you life is good and you can do whatever you want.
quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011
Sharing 0.2
one funny thing to share:
I was at my work, nearly to finish when my phone rang,
It was my friend asking me where were his friends after he introduce himself,
than, he said he wanted to kill me and more two of my friend, but at the same time
he wanted to give me something white ... hahaha weird hey,
so after a while I went to his house which is same as my other friend,
and when I got there, there were so drunk, I got into the house and straight they gave me a shot
of the white thing which was Absolut Vodka Premium,
after a couple they were in a 6th of 7th I can't remember, this GUY took my reamer
in a violent way and drop it with a lighter on the floor, I took it, and he was looking for
for about 2 minuts, he realized the things wasn't there and I DON'T KNOW for what reason,
he pick one of this animails from the floor
I still can't understand
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011
All the things below I've done in the last 24 hours + FUN and some sleep;
not so interesting but, some information =)
obs. All the information were made up, any similarity are just coincidence
not so interesting but, some information =)
obs. All the information were made up, any similarity are just coincidence
Market the Small Business
A – Project 5
Mauricio Lourenco Miranda
Promo Report:
214 Oxford Street Leederville Perth WA
The Niche
by Johan Fristh a Successful French business man in a hospitality area Niche
bar is a lounge bar
which provides cocktail for regular or functions costumers. Our capacity is for 400 people, we are opening Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays, from 8 pm until
Niche has a different porpoise comparing with all the bars/lounge bars/
nightclub in Perth Western Australia. Located in the heart of Leederville Niche bar offers Cockatiels
nights of a mix with a smooth house music and a Hard Pop Music today, making
your sad Wednesday a bit more enjoyed and unforgettable weekends, our menu
goes to the super cold original draft tab beer to our own fresh fruit
the bartender job and a DJ job our products are be sold, the art of bartending
is a nightly skilled profession. The explosion in demand for cocktails means
the value of the bartender has never been more complex. The hospitality
industry has evolved so has the need for service to be more proficient,
effortless and creative.
We have
an exceptional lounge cocktail bar of premium cocktails brands so naturally its
our aim to raise standards in bartending and cocktail creativity.
Niche also has a ATM machine and provides all the payment by Master Card,
Visa, EFPOS and AMEX.
Niche Bar DNA
Main bar:
* Able to provide any amount of the
best cocktails for a short period of time;
* Fits over seven employers between
bartenders and bar support;
* Tab Beers and all the wine list;
* Full top shelf and basic spirits.
* (full service).
Back Bar:
* All the stubs beers available;
* House wines;
* Top sales and basics spirits.
* Able to make 3 types of the house hot plate and daily tapas;
* Able to receive previous orders.
* Divided in 2 different atmosphere
(dance floor/ lounge), (main bar corner);
* DJ decks with top system sound.
The role of a
is the theatre and a great bartender is the heart and soul of our bar, always
in the spotlight, and always on duty, never underestimate the importance of the
role you play not only in serving drinks, but also in entertaining customers.
The success of our bar depends on the bartending skills and attitude which make
us different and wished for exotic young flavour to experienced costumers. Our
bartenders has the ability to make a difference having an excellent
understanding of what you do needed to be create the foundation to develop best
practice in customer service that is effortless and proficient:
Technical skills;
Team work;
Are one of the things we are in
constant training and developing.
The right attitude for
Always put the costumer first;
Be courteous to everyone all the times;
New costumer today could be tomorrow’s regulars;
You create the atmosphere so ensure you control it;
Never forget to be good listener;
Chat to your costumers;
Never ague with costumer, even if they become aggressive;
Be polite and diplomat all the times;
Always carry a smile;
Keep your uniform clean;
Keep your hair neat and tidy;
Make sure jewellery and make up is kept to a minimum;
Never lick your fingers, groom your hair, scratch yourself, sneeze or
blow your nose, when you are in view of costumers.
ð Remember, Attitude is everything,
customers don’t interrupt your work they are the reason for it, you depend on
their custom as much as they depend on your service.
Our venue
is always ready to welcome people as long as they respect the standards dress
up model. Which are not included:
Sandals, work boots on weekend.
are the most important people that walk into our venue, without them our role doors
not exist.
their wants and they will cease to exist, satisfy them and they will become
more loyal.
the costumer`` we are flexible enough to do the extremely cocktails flavours
When things go wrong
No matter how frustrating, never let an issue get on
us. Trying to handle din a professional way. The manager are all the time
available to check on the costumer when are some problem and if it needs solve
the problem himself.
Exciting atmosphere
To suggestive, sell drinks to a
costumer we determine their needs by talking, and also using the:
The time of the year
The weather
The time of day
Age of the costumer
Sex of the costumer
Specials days
Please feel always welcome at NICHE BAR
dedicated to Catarina
charles chaplin
''Crying does not solve,
Talking a little is due,
Learning to put yourself first is not selfish,
What does not kill surely strengthens,
Sometimes change is needed but be clear that you can not change anyone's behaviour,
Changing comes from within.
Not everything will be as you want and life goes on.
For any choice follows a consequence,
momentary feeling not worth it and who makes once, does not necessarily two,
but who does ten, certainly makes eleven.
Once you do something that someone did not expect you, she / he will never look at you the same way.
Forgiveness is noble but it is almost impossible to forget.
The discreet always gets more attention,
Not everyone is so cool,
and close,
no one is normal.
All love is great when you make it important.
Who deserve you does not make you cry,
Who likes you cares about and what is in the past has no reason to be part of your present. You may be the best thing that can happen to someone,
Do not have to lose to learn to value, and friends still count on the fingers.
Gradually you realize what it's worth,
What to keep for life and that should never have entered it.
The time is always the best medicine, but their results are not always immediate,
There is no way to hide the truth nor does it bury the past.

The beauty of it all is that sometimes when everything goes wrongsuch wonderful things happen that never would have happened ifeverything had worked.''
Talking a little is due,
Learning to put yourself first is not selfish,
What does not kill surely strengthens,
Sometimes change is needed but be clear that you can not change anyone's behaviour,
Changing comes from within.
Not everything will be as you want and life goes on.
For any choice follows a consequence,
momentary feeling not worth it and who makes once, does not necessarily two,
but who does ten, certainly makes eleven.
Once you do something that someone did not expect you, she / he will never look at you the same way.
Forgiveness is noble but it is almost impossible to forget.
The discreet always gets more attention,
Not everyone is so cool,
and close,
no one is normal.
All love is great when you make it important.
Who deserve you does not make you cry,
Who likes you cares about and what is in the past has no reason to be part of your present. You may be the best thing that can happen to someone,
Do not have to lose to learn to value, and friends still count on the fingers.
Gradually you realize what it's worth,
What to keep for life and that should never have entered it.
The time is always the best medicine, but their results are not always immediate,
There is no way to hide the truth nor does it bury the past.

The beauty of it all is that sometimes when everything goes wrongsuch wonderful things happen that never would have happened ifeverything had worked.''
Thing of life
Always Want More
My life
I need to change every day I always want more
to escape I always want more
The routine of my wishes for your kisses I hope most of you always
My dreams
I try to wake up and pursue my dreams So today I am so sad
But the reality that comes after For want of power is so far
One that is not well planned And who I want is so far away from me
Far from me
Make it more easy
The life is to short to expend time making plans. it's not all the time what you expected will happen, maybe, it's not gonna happen at all and, you need to do something.
You can change your future and it is so scary.
Helping someone can help yourself, you can recover before that you get sick. the chances are there and you just need to go and grab it.
all the actions has a reaction,and remember if it's not happy, it means it is not end
Make it easy
all my life I though it'd be hard being who I wanted,
than after a while I stop trying to be and I became focused on
Me, what I am today and how I can improve that,
on peace with myself, happy with everything what I have.
than after a while I stop trying to be and I became focused on
Me, what I am today and how I can improve that,
on peace with myself, happy with everything what I have.
Choose? No, just pick one
you've got a few thing to do after 7 hours shift, and before go to the next:=> Go to your friend's house and get drunk;
=> Go to another coffee shop and ask exactly the same coffee you had the all moring;
=> Go home take shower and sleep for 30 minuts and start your work late;
=> Sleep on the grass; (anywhere)
=> Sleep on the sofa at the back of the stuff room;
=> Sleep in your car;
=> Pie and Coffee take way (red bull);
Green and Concrete
Yes, it's real, Get up in the morning try to find a clean black t-shirt, your apron is already in the trunk of your car, put you sunnis on drive for 5 minuts, Good morning to a really nice colleges there is your 7 hours coffee shop shift.
After a good long hours worked, nice 30 minuts breake enjoyed with a great food, a few coffees you are already to close, but you've to start your next work in 2 hours, what you gonna do?
quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011
Life in Australia
Some people think, live abroad is difficult, some people think it is an enjoyable experience of life is in another country ... well, I can tell, is the most amazing sensation, when you realize you can say something in another languege and be understood is really nice.
Getting to know other culture, life style, religion, and feel all this things in your everyday life you can do only in Australia, be able to work, get a good money and an top 5 quality life in the world you can have only in Perth.
May name is Mauricio Lourenco Miranda I'm 21 eyars old
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